The moment you complete a program at NorQuest, you become part of the alumni community. Get access to exclusive benefits, networking groups, and opportunities to stay connected with your classmates through events, volunteering, and more.

You will always have a place here 

Your connection to the campus doesn’t end the day you graduate. Rather, in many ways, it’s just the beginning. Now that you’ve completed your program, your career search begins, and NorQuest provides a range of support services to help you transition into your career. 

From partner discounts that provide financial relief and access to our career services, NorQuest continues to support you, so you can become the changemaker and leader you were always meant to be. And as you reach your career milestones, NorQuest also provides opportunities for you to mentor and support the next generation of leaners.

Alumni stories

View all stories
Celebrating NorQuest College’s Alumni Award winners!

Celebrating NorQuest College’s Alumni Award winners!

On April 25, NorQuest College celebrated our inspiring alumni during the inaugural Alumni Awards ceremony. Read about the winners and how they’re making their workplaces and communities stronger.

April 26, 2024
Continuing your education: why it’s important for professional and personal success

Continuing your education: why it’s important for professional and personal success

As a refugee and lifelong learner, Bazi knows how to navigate challenges, but he also understands the value of continuing education. Read his post and discover why he has pursued continuing education and the lessons he has learned along the way.

March 13, 2024
NorQuest College launches the first Alumni Awards in college history

NorQuest College launches the first Alumni Awards in college history

NorQuest College has launched our first Alumni Awards. These awards will recognize and celebrate alumni who are making true, lasting impact in their communities, province, and beyond.

February 26, 2024

Being a NorQuest Alumni to me means having a lifelong family and a sense of community.

– Hayden, Health Care Aide (Class of 2020)

Stay connected

The connections you make at NorQuest can stay with you for a lifetime. But as incredible as that sounds, staying connected with past classmates, faculty, and partners can be incredibly challenging when life is so busy. NorQuest provides several ways you can stay connected to the campus community.

I want to inspire people with my story and tell them to never give up. If you put your mind to something and have the proper supports, you can achieve anything

– Daniya, Early Learning and Child Care certificate (Class of 2020)

Share your story about how NorQuest impacted your life as a past leaner or as a current alumnus!

Alumni Awards

NorQuest graduates are on a quest to change lives for the better. Each day, they are making meaningful and impactful contributions in their communities and workplaces.

Through the Alumni Awards, you can recognize and celebrate the success, leadership, and resilience of NorQuest alumni.

Nominate an alumni

Your new journey starts here

By joining over 34,000 NorQuest alumni, your new journey is about to begin. While you transition into your career and achieve all your goals, you will always be a NorQuester—a changemaker on the path towards success. By staying connected with the campus community and sharing your newfound skills and knowledge, you can impact the lives of new learners who are on a journey of their own.

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