Become a volunteer

Give back to those in need and reconnect with the campus community as a NorQuest alumni volunteer.

Reconnect with the campus

For many of our students, NorQuest plays a key role in transforming their lives. And many of our past learners miss their time at the campus. They miss connecting with classmates and instructors, having lunch in the Singhmar Centre for Learning, and attending campus events. They miss the atmosphere of learning and growth. 

By volunteering, you can reconnect with the campus community and see NorQuest through a different lens while recollecting all your favourite memories. 

Benefits of becoming a volunteer

NorQuest has an inspiring and uplifting community of volunteers. And while the main initiative is to give back and create an impact, volunteering can come with a range of benefits, including:

  • Gaining a sense of purpose and personal satisfaction knowing you made a difference
  • Meet new people and reconnect with past friends or acquaintances 
  • Be part of a supportive community of individuals striving to make a difference
  • Broaden your experiences and practice soft skills, like leadership, communication, conflict management, and more
  • Advance your career by strengthening your resume, improving your network, and making new connections
  • Learn from volunteer leaders and mentors
  • Boost your confidence

Become a difference maker

Looking for a way to give back to the NorQuest community? Want to share your knowledge and perspective in a meaningful way? Have a knack or an interest for acting?

The Olson Centre for Health Simulation is looking for standardized participants to play various kinds of roles over the coming months. An standardized participant is a person who portrays a certain role in a pre-planned scenario with learners to allow them the opportunity to practice a variety of skills in alignment with course objectives.

Become a volunteer by filling out our form.

Learn more about simulation learning.