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Communication in the Digital Workplace & Technology Career Development - XBUS 1515

This course is part of a 16-week program and focuses on employability and interpersonal skills for success in gaining and retaining employment in the digital workplace. Topics include transferrable professional skills, work-life balance, communication skills, business writing, teamwork & collaboration and receiving feedback in the workplace.  Through interactive lectures, case studies, and hands-on lab work, learners engage in both group and individual work. Students will be introduced to the critical elements of gaining and retaining employment. Learners will use a skills and strengths portfolio to gather and curate items critical to job seeking. These include resume writing, development of cover letters, and using the STAR method to be successful with job interviews. In addition, students will develop strategies for effective workplace communication, developing workplace self-advocacy tools to ensure clear communication with their employer focused on equity, productivity, and accommodation. By the end of the course, students will have built an effective skills and strengths portfolio and be fully prepared for their work experience.

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