Shawn Griffith

Academic Upgrading|Apprenticeship Prep|ESL Intensive|LINC - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada

Shawn Griffith - Image

From uncertainty to complete confidence

Life can be cruel. But living and feeling well is the best defense and Shawn Griffiths is living large these days.

“When I was in Jamaica I struggled at the chance for a good education due to poverty,” says Griffiths. “Coming to Canada has helped me a lot, and with the help of NorQuest College helping me to raise my education level, it is a great feeling.”

Griffiths, 38, is the poster boy for those who need inspiration on the academic trail. He is a graduate of NorQuest College’s Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC), English as a Second Language (ESL), Academic Upgrading, and the Apprenticeship Prep programs.

In January, he was honoured with the annual Adult Learner Award from Edmonton’s Centre for Family Literacy and is now employed full time as an apprentice welder thanks to his journey through NorQuest’s academic laddering process.

“I just needed a chance. I knew I could do it. And without NorQuest I wouldn’t have such a strong drive to succeed. I think that the more you educate yourself the more you feel confident and NorQuest College gave me the confidence to believe in myself.
 I just needed a chance. I knew I could do it. And without NorQuest I wouldn’t have such a strong drive to succeed. I think that the more you educate yourself the more you feel confident.