Samantha Oliveros

Practical Nurse

Samantha Oliveros - Image

NorQuest’s student experience broadens horizons

Not everyone knows what career path to choose.

However, NorQuest College’s is a great place to realize your interests and talents. Samantha Oliveros is a second year Practical Nurse student who began her studies at NorQuest with her mind set on discovery: finding herself, and her passion.

“I took a year off from high school,” says the 21 year old. “Then I went to MacEwan University for General Studies, and while I was there I was looking through brochures.  I saw that the Licenced Practical Nurse program at NorQuest was only two years. I thought, ‘this is great. I can get into the health field for two years just to see if I really like it,’ because it can be scary going into a four year university program.”

The outcome of her experimental career search couldn’t have turned out better. Now, just a few months from graduating, Oliveros is certain she made the right choice – both in regards to her career, and the college she decided to attend.

“When I came here there were smaller classes; it was warm, friendly, understanding, and personable. I wasn’t ignored, and that was nice. I also felt that the college really represented all ages and backgrounds. It was nice to be able to talk to a wide range of people, especially those who have emigrated from other countries. They have such great stories.”

Furthermore, she had found her passion, and a sense of security about the future.

“I strongly believe that my NorQuest education will get me a job. When I started, I thought there were only a few areas of nursing. Now that the course has progressed, I understand it is such a vast and expanding field. I know I will be employed.”

When I came here there were smaller classes; it was warm, friendly, understanding, and personable. I wasn’t ignored, and that was nice. I also felt that the college really represented all ages and backgrounds.