Nozipho Moyo

Social Work

Nozipho Moyo - Image

NorQuest social work student, Nozipho Moyo (right), in Tanzania with Lakeland College social work student Justyna Kolodziej (left) and a student from the community.

Standing on the shoulders of giants

“People are the best resource this planet has.”

NorQuest College social work student Nozipho Moyo has taken that philosophy with her through a huge part of her educational experience. It was established when the 25-year-old studied human resource management in the Mediterranean country of Cyprus. It was fostered after being immersed in the NorQuest culture beginning in 2017, and it became a part of her mindset following a week-long research trip to Tanzania.

As a volunteer research clerk with NorQuest’s international student department, Moyo was a major player in an education-sharing program in the eastern African country in the winter of 2019. Her role during her week in Tanzania was to interview students and instructors and gather stories that described the changes they had experienced after participating in the College’s and Institute’s Canada (CICan) Improving Skills Training for Employment Programs (ISTEP). It aimed to create remediation opportunities to support disadvantaged youth entering vocational training programs.

“This experience taught me a great deal about cross-cultural work and building relationships,” says Moyo. “The changes and growth in confidence that I saw in the students, particularly the female students, were awe inspiring. I am humbled to have been able to participate in such a meaningful project and to learn from both the Canadian and the Tanzanian teams.”

While the main focus with the program is to share Canadian know-how and educational expertise on a goodwill and global basis, a secondary benefit is what the Canadian research assistant/students take away from the experience.
Moyo is extremely happy that NorQuest afforded her this opportunity.

“For me, NorQuest College and the social work program are very forward thinking. This type of opportunity prepares students for a changing world. When I think about it, the college’s commitment to its students reminds me of a famous quote:

‘If I have seen further it’s because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.’ NorQuest really is that giant in our community.”

Funded by Global Affairs Canada. The program is an institutional partnership between Mwanza RVTSC, Lakeland College, and NorQuest College.

When I think about it, the college’s commitment to its students reminds me of a famous quote: ‘If I have seen further it’s because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.’ NorQuest really is that giant in our community.