Nicole Johnston

Pharmacy Technician

Nicole Johnston - Image
NorQuest graduate Nicole Johnston was recently honoured by the Alberta College of Pharmacists at a Pharmacy Technicians Society of Alberta conference for earning the highest mark in the province on the national licensing exam.

Award-winning NorQuest College grad explains her formula for success

To be the best at something takes hard work, concentration, dedication, and a passion.

NorQuest College Pharmacy Technician diploma program graduate Nicole Johnston understands these traits and recently used them to become the field’s top student in Alberta. Last month, the 22-year-old, who is now employed at the University of Alberta hospital, received the highest mark in the province on the 2015/16 Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada’s national exam. She was honored for the achievement at a Pharmacy Technician Society of Alberta conference in Calgary.

In an interview with NorQuest College, the Viking, Alberta native who went to high school in Camrose, Alberta explains her secrets to being a successful post-secondary student, how her NorQuest College experience helped her, and what is ahead for her in this needed and exciting profession.

What is your philosophy for success in higher learning?

First, you have to be prepared. You are spending all this money on an education so you might as well make it worthwhile. Show up having done your reading, don’t be a last minute studier, and communicate with your peers and classmates. What is one person’s strength may be another person’s weakness, so work together.

I also found that, if at all possible, getting a job in the field you are interested while in school is a great boost. I was about three or four months into school and I got a pharmacy assistant’s job. I had no prior experience but it helped solidify all the knowledge we were learning in school.

Also, brush up on the legislation that surrounds your career. Pharmacy has a lot of laws and standards. The better you are familiar with these, the easier it is going to be on exams and in the real world.

What was it about the NorQuest College learning experience that helped you succeed?

It was great at NorQuest. The labs and all the interactive stuff were great, and all the bookwork was very interesting to me. But beyond that, they really help students get a feel of the real world by providing a mock OSPE (Objective Structure Practical Exam) that mirrors the national exam. That was a big thing for me.

Another thing I really like about NorQuest is the diversity, in every aspect. There were some of us who had pharmacy experience and some without; some students were international, and some were not; some were young, and some were old. We were all across the board, for sure! And, we helped each other. Sure, it’s all up to each individual on how much they want to collaborate with other students, but I like to converse with classmates.

Where is this career taking you?

When I was first thinking about going to college, I started looking for jobs as if I already had a diploma or degree and I couldn’t really find anything in my initial area of interest. So I got thinking about what is something that I will enjoy but will also have reliable career options? I looked into Pharmacy Technician program and I thought I would just go for it. I have since made it my passion. It’s become super interesting and I enjoy it. So I believe my options are many.

At the hospital, it is very detailed work and we have about 20 different shifts we can rotate through. I am trained for about 10 of them so there is a lot of room to grow and I like that.

It was great at NorQuest. The labs and all the interactive stuff were great, and all the bookwork was very interesting to me. But beyond that, they really help students get a feel of the real world.