Michelle Woite

Practical Nurse

Michelle Woite - Image

Michelle Woite (back row, centre) with other members of the NorQuest Student Practical Nurse Society in 2017. The recent graduate is now working full time at the University of Alberta Hospital.

NorQuest grad thrived thanks to donor support

Like many students, NorQuest practical nurse graduate (2017) Michelle Woite amassed a certain level of debt during her time at college.

But thanks to the supports she received in the form of scholarships and bursaries, the 21-year-old— now employed full time as an operating room nurse at the University of Alberta hospital—was able to mitigate that concern, and focus on the most important task in her life at the time: her studies.

“For me, it was a huge help. Initially, I was working very casually and had school to deal with as well, so I had no time for a social life, never mind any extra money.”

It got to the point that Woite actually had to tap into her personal line of credit during her college days; something she did not want to do. Thankfully, the supports that she had gathered let her concentrate on earning her diploma. They even helped her become more independent.

“A lot of the money I received went to paying off other loans I had, I was able to move out of my parent’s house, and a lot went towards the costs of my licensing exam. In the end, I just didn’t have to stress about things as much.”

The support even enhanced her relationship with the college itself. She was more focused at school and able to take on extra-curricular activities, such as being a founding member of the NorQuest Student Practical Nurse Society, and becoming a member of the NorQuest College Student Council in her graduating year.

“Getting involved with these things helped me better integrate into the college. And I like helping other students.”

While enjoying her new career at the university hospital, Woite is setting herself up for further success by taking courses at MacEwan University in perioperative care, and a preceptorship in neurology through the U of A.

We want to increase the integration of nursing students into the fabric of the NorQuest community. We can do this by providing our members with volunteer opportunities at the college and in the community.