Manna Liu

ESL Intensive

Manna Liu - Image

NorQuest employee generosity encourages student to do her best

Like many who pick up their lives in one country and move to another, Juhua (Manna) Liu lacked the language skills to allow herself to fully experience her new home.

That changed primarily thanks to the example of her daughter, but also because of the generosity of NorQuest College employees.

“For many years many people say I should learn English and I thought it would be too hard,” says the 51 year old who is enrolled in NorQuest’s English as a Second Language program. “Then my daughter went to university and it motivated me to learn. When I got to NorQuest, my English was zero. But after I get into NorQuest, through the study process, I feel confident and my eyes are open to seeing how the world is.”

Manna, as she prefers to be called, was the recipient of a NorQuest Shine Award in 2017. The Shine Awards were created by or in honour of faculty, staff, or groups that are special friends within the NorQuest community. Recipients of the tribute awards have contributed to NorQuest campus life through their non-academic achievements, such as student leadership, community or college involvement.

The honour has touched her deeply, and encouraged her to do the best she can.

“The Shine Award makes me feel warm inside and also makes me want to learn more,” she said.

Manna, who earned a degree in Chinese literature before moving to Canada, is also an aspiring author and has penned a number of self-published children’s Chinese/English bilingual books. When she finishes her language training, she plans on enrolling in NorQuest’s Social Work program for the start of the 2018 Fall Term.

When I got to NorQuest, my English was zero. But after I get into NorQuest, through the study process, I feel confident and my eyes are open to seeing how the world is.