Emily Kabat

Interdisciplinary Therapy Assistant

Emily Kabat - Image

Following family footsteps into health care

NorQuest College student Emily Kabat always knew she wanted a career as a health professional.

It’s the sort of thing the Kabats do: go to school, get a good job and help as many people as they can along the way.

“I really like working in health care,” says the 18 year old second year Physical Therapy Assistant student, who recently won the 2013 Student Award from the Therapy Assistant Association of Alberta. “My mom has been working in human resources at Alberta Health Services for over 20 years and my sister is an x-ray tech. I chose NorQuest because you are setup to get right into the career you want,” she adds. “All of the programs are so career-ready.”

Kabat also knew she wanted her education to be delivered on a personal level. Post-secondary students are often forced to compete for the attention of instructors. At NorQuest College, the learning is supported by exemplary faculty that brings together academic and real-world education in small classroom settings.

“I really like the idea of having small class sizes and having that close relationship with the instructor,” says Kabat. “You are not just a number at NorQuest.”

NorQuest College’s main goal is student success, offering a wide array of programming in traditional and distance learning options. Prospective students can investigate numerous diploma, certificate, and foundational education paths – paths that are developed to meet their needs at any stage of their learning.

In Kabat’s case, she came to NorQuest right out of high school.

“It has been a really exciting journey so far,” she says. “And it is so cool that when I graduate in the spring I will be working in my chosen field at such a young age.”

For more information on NorQuest College and our programming attend our annual open house.

I really like working in health care. I chose NorQuest because you are set up to get right into the career you want. All of the programs are so career-ready.