Bright Star Woman

Practical Nurse

Bright Star Woman - Image

Wetaskiwin student motivated by her children

First year practical nurse student Bright Star Woman knows that her current path will help herself, her children, and her community.

“It is important to me because I am a single mother of school children,” says the Maskwacis resident who studies at NorQuest’s Wetaskiwin Campus. “I have worked all my life, but I want to prove to myself and to my kids that I can do more than live on minimum wage, and that I can be successful.”

NorQuest College provides educational opportunities at the times, places, and delivery formats that best meet learner needs. In Woman’s case, she began her educational journey online in academic upgrading, which kept her home and close to her children. While that delivery mode served its purpose then, today she is grateful for the intimate classroom and lab settings in which she learns.

“I like being able to go to school and then come home for my children when they get home from school. And I like the face-to-face classes. Now when I have a question I can just lift my hand and speak my mind directly to the instructor.”

Woman’s future is full of promise because of the choices she has made—choices she hopes others in her community make as well.

“I do encourage my younger siblings and their friends to go to school. It’s so important to figure out what you want to do and then go for it. I am hoping I can work as a practical nurse in the emergency room in Wetaskiwin and then later go to Maskwacis and work with health services. It will be nice to settle down.”

I like being able to go to school and then come home for my children when they get home from school. It’s so important to figure out what you want to do and then go for it.