Deborah Kinisky

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I grew up quickly, in a poor family riddled with problems. At a young age, I found that I was following my parents’ example and mimicking their destructive behaviour. By the time I was 39, I knew it was time to let go of the past and make a future for my sons and myself. I wanted my sons to remember me as a woman of action not just words. I wanted them to be as proud of me as I am of them and I wanted to inspire them to follow their passions as I have mine.

After much consideration and procrastination, many discussions and much thought... I decided to enrol at NorQuest College. I am now employed by the Good Samaritan Society and believe that I have finally found my niche. I am able to provide my clients quality care, which carries over into my personal life as positivity and motivation. I believe that I am where I am meant to be; I am successful.

After much consideration and procrastination, I decided to enrol at NorQuest College. I am now employed by the Good Samaritan Society and believe that I have finally found my niche. I believe that I am where I am meant to be; I am successful.