Gaspard Momba

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Gaspard Momba - Image

As a member of NorQuest College’s RBC Ambassador Program, Gaspard Momba volunteers to represent the College, promote NorQuest programs and services for students, and promote the importance of education.

The role and responsibility has helped him develop a tremendous amount of confidence. It’s especially striking considering how far he has come since arriving in Edmonton from his native Democratic Republic of Congo two years ago.

“When I first came to Canada, I didn’t speak any English,” he recalls. “I didn’t know anyone here and was afraid to go out, so I just stayed home.”

It was a challenge, says Gaspard, because he truly wanted to embrace and experience everything his new home had to offer. Things started to change once he entered NorQuest College's Language Instruction for Newcomers (LINC) program.

LINC assists recent immigrants to Alberta by offering basic English literacy classes. The program concentrates on the language skills needed to integrating into community life and work in Canada.

After completing the LINC program, sometimes students enroll in the College's Youth in Transition (YiT) program. YiT helps students increase their academic and personal communication skills to help transition them into an adult learning post-secondary environment. Gaspard's success in LINC, however, enabled him to surpass YiT and move into a higher level program.

"I enrolled for the YiT program but I didn't take it because my score was higher than the average expected," says Gaspard. "As a result, I was moved up to upgrading."

After completing academic upgrading at NorQuest, Gaspard is looking forward to enrolling in the College’s Practical Nurse diploma program. Nursing, says Gaspard, will offer him another way to give back.

LINC instructor Bonnie Nicholas has no doubt that Gaspard will find success.

“Gaspard is one of the most motivated students I have ever met,” Bonnie says. “With his energy and commitment to learning, he has been an inspiration to students and faculty alike in the LINC program.”

“I really enjoy NorQuest,” says Gaspard. “It’s one of the best places in Edmonton to offer education and opportunity.”

I really enjoy NorQuest. It’s one of the best places in Edmonton to offer education and opportunity.