Robin Tremblay

Medical Office Assistant

Robin Tremblay - Image

NorQuest’s Medical Office Administration program helps prepare people for a career in helping and healing

The right training for a great career in health care

Robin Tremblay was looking for a new direction in life. She found it at the Medical Office Administration program at NorQuest College.

A year after graduating from the program, she is now the Head Medical Office Assistant at the busy White Oaks Medical Clinic in Edmonton.

“I pretty much do almost everything here,” she says with a smile. “Everything from greeting patients to taking their vitals to handling referrals and scheduling appointments.”

Tremblay is very enthusiastic when she talks about NorQuest College.

“I loved my instructors. They taught me everything I needed to know to start managing a doctor’s office.”

The Medical Office Administration program is a partnership between NorQuest College and Rupertsland Institute, an organization dedicated to assisting Métis individuals obtain training and education to help their careers.

I loved my instructors. They taught me everything I needed to know to start managing a doctor’s office.