Centre for Higher
Education Strategy

As the first of its kind among post-secondary institutions in Canada, NorQuest College’s Centre for Higher Education Strategy (CHES) works with other post-secondary institutions, government, and community organizations to improve efficiency, access, and outcomes in higher education.


Our team includes experts with a wealth of experience in higher education, community training programs, policy review, and more.

We collaborate with our partners to design evaluations and strategic research projects that meet their unique needs and to answer the questions most relevant to their work.

  • Two collegues sitting a computer going over data

    Trends analysis

    We examine economic, social, cultural, and political factors to anticipate the future needs of students, institutions, and the broader post-secondary system.

  • Two female co-workers looking at post-it notes stuck to a window

    Research and data collection

    We collaborate with institutions both nationally and locally to conduct research, and collect and amalgamate data that impacts programs, policy, or educational systems.

  • A group of people sitting at conference table

    Capacity building

    Our logic models, outcome models, and evaluation frameworks supports our partners to make data-informed decisions to grow their capacity and for sustainable work within their organizations.

  • A male and female co-worker reviewing infomration on a computer screen together

    Needs and impact assessment

    We conduct needs assessments for community organizations to help them set their strategic directions. We also co-develop program models and evaluations to measure their impact on the community.

We're your trusted partner for research and evaluation. We can help you understand your impact and drive positive change.

Policy and program research

We research and analyze the outcomes, impact, and reach of higher education policies and programs, identify key areas for improvement, and provide data to support our partners in driving structural change at the program, institutional, or governmental levels.

Measuring outcomes related to policy and practice is an important factor in any government and public sector relationship. Understanding a program’s impact is crucial for it to innovate, adapt, and demonstrate success. As a higher education institute ourselves, we are deeply familiar and experienced with public policies and programs.

Our services consist of:

  • Developing program theory or outcomes models
  • Data collection and analysis (surveys, focus groups, administrative data)
  • Needs assessment
  • Environmental scans
  • Policy analysis and comparisons

Past partners

We’ve worked with partners across Canada to address their needs through assessments, evaluations, and strategic research. We aim to meet the needs of partners while building their capacity to carry the work forward.

Alberta Routes Calgary Learns Community Learning Network ECALA Immigrations, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Funding options

We understand that budgets can be tight. That's why we offer affordable pricing to ensure our services are accessible to all, even smaller community organizations.

For larger projects, we can help you explore funding opportunities. Our team has experience in securing grants and partnerships from organizations like:

  • Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada
  • Employment and Social Development Canada
  • Government of Alberta
  • Local foundations and corporations

Let's work together to find the right funding solution for your project.

Start a project with us

Are you ready to get started on your project? Reach out to our team directly or fill in the contact form below, and we’ll be in touch.

Email: research@norquest.ca

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