Create a culture of respect, safety, and support where your Indigenous workforce can thrive.
Why partner with the AICCC
Our partnerships are centered and grounded in the four principles of respect, reciprocity, responsibility, and relationship. We ensure our partnerships not only benefit your hiring, retention, and social procurement practices, but also our Indigenous job seekers.
Our model is simple yet incredibly impactful. We help train and prepare job seekers then connect these qualified candidates to your organization. From there, we provide on-going services to help you support your Indigenous workforce so they can complete their best work.
Our process
Relationship building
During this time, we’ll focus on relationship-building and how we can best collaborate together. We will take time to learn about your experience with Indigenous workforce engagement to understand how we can support you.
Identify partner needs
We’ll identify how we can best support your recruitment and retention goals. During this process, we will identify the commitments we are each making and determine the ways we want to work together. These details will be included in a Memorandum of Understanding, customized to your organization.
Pipe Ceremony
Once we’ve solidified our partnership, we’ll work with our cultural supports team to facilitate a Pipe Ceremony.
Job seeker training
We’ll help our Indigenous job seekers obtain the certificate training and resources they need to succeed in your specified roles.
Access to our custom Employer portal
Gain real-time access to Indigenous job seekers powered by a custom e-platform.
HR support (tier 2 partnerships only)
We’ll help you find the right candidate for specific job requirements while also assisting with recruitment and onboarding processes.
Continuous collaboration towards ongoing success
We are committed to ongoing communication, refinement, and support to promote lasting mutual benefit for our partners and your new hires.
Book a meeting with us to learn more
Relationship-building is at the heart of what we do. We take the time to get to know your company and your needs. Together, we discover how we can best collaborate.
Privacy notice statement
The personal information collected on this web form will be used to send you updates on Continuing Education and Custom Training courses. Collection is authorized under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is managed in accordance with the Act. Questions about the collection and use of the personal information can be directed to the Manager, AICCC, C101A, 10230 108 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 1L4. Telephone: 780.644.5907.